Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING

News // 3 News of Julia Praschma

New animations by illustrator Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING

22.03.2023 // show complete article

IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma 'Blobbo'
IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma 'Handsome Greetz'
IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma 'Orko'
Pure Magic’ animations & Blobo portraits by Julia PRASCHMA c/o WILDFOX RUNNING on GoSee

Julia PRASCHMA c/o WILDFOX RUNNING presents us new animations plus a peek at her Blobo portraits. The style of the Berlin-based illustrator navigates between illustration and digital collage. She has a knack for fantasy worlds, clouds, handlettering and, above all: bright colors. Her specialty is filtering the essence out of complex topics paired with a big dollop of humor.GoSee wildfoxrunning.com
08.02.2023 // show complete article

IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING personal work „Pure Magic“ animations
IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING personal work „Pure Magic“ animations
IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING Blobo Portraits
IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING Blobo Portraits
IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING Blobo Portraits
IMAGE // Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING Blobo Portraits
Federal Agency for Civic Education. German Bundestag 2021 election special by Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING plus the VW foundation and personal work

The next German Bundestag election takes place on 26 September, 2021. Julia Praschma c/o WILDFOX RUNNING illustrated the campaign. She also illustrated for the VW Foundation and presents personal works on GoSee. Her style is somewhere between illustration and digital collage and often contains crude visual worlds, hand lettering, pattern designs and loud and trendy colors. Her specialty is conveying the essence of a complex topic with a pinch of humor and charm.
27.07.2021 // show complete article

IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma for Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Brandneburg. Special Bundestagswahl 2021
IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma for Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Brandneburg. Special Bundestagswahl 2021
IMAGE // WILDFOX RUNNING: Julia Praschma for Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Brandneburg. Special Bundestagswahl 2021